Feeling Better : The New Mind-set Therapy

Feeling Good :

Have you ever felt you're not good
enough? Have you ever felt you have
no desire to move or do anything?
The list of negative feelings that put
you down never ends. When these
negative feelings stay for a long time,
they distort your mental state. You may
think that when you procrastinate, you
are acting like a normal human being.
If you look closely, you may find that
you are depressed.

When you start thinking positive
thoughts, your mental health will slowly
improve. If you want to understand
your depression, if you want to take
responsibility for your own treatment,
then this book is a perfect choice. It
has the knowledge and the application
techniques you need. You can even
find tests that can monitor your own
progress.With this book, you would not
need medication or exhausting therapy
sessions. It's time you start to take
care of yourself, on your own, just by
changing the way you think.

Understanding your Moods: You Feel
the Way You Think
Most people believe that depression
is related to the way we feel, but
this illness is something different.
Your brain is the main cause of your
depression. It's the way you think, that
affects the way you feel.When you
always think negative thoughts, you
find yourself attacked with sudden
depression episodes. You may believe
that it is part of life, or that it is your
mood that day. If you try to understand
yourself better, you will find that your
thoughts are responsible for all your
Now we know that depression is
caused by negative thinking. There
are ten cognitive disorders or thinking
disorders explained in this chapter.
Find which one of these is the real
cause of your depression, because if
you do, then you can treat the illness
easily.First is the all or nothing thinking.
It refers to a person who evaluates his
or her personality and achievements
by extreme measures.For example,
perfectionists who believe that, if they
get a B on a test, they are already a

Start by Building Self-Esteem
Did you know that research shows
80% of depressed people have low
self-esteem? In most cases, depressed
patients believe that they are
worthless. They may be the best people
in the world, yet they think that they
are the worst and that everyone hates
them.Not only will they think that. They
even go further to convince everyone
that they are really worthless. You see
friends and family look down on these
depressed people, not because they
are really losers, but because they
made everyone believe in that "I am a
loser" story.

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